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Use require('dns') to access this module.


Here is an example which resolves '' then reverse resolves the IP addresses which are returned.


var dns = require('dns');

dns.resolve4('', function (err, addresses) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('addresses: ' + JSON.stringify(addresses));

  addresses.forEach(function (a) {
    dns.reverse(a, function (err, domains) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('reverse for ' + a + ' failed: ' +
      } else {
        console.log('reverse for ' + a + ': ' +

dns.lookup(domain, family=null, callback)

Resolves a domain (e.g. '') into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record.


The callback has arguments (err, address, family). The address argument is a string representation of a IP v4 or v6 address. The family argument is either the integer 4 or 6 and denotes the family of address (not necessarily the value initially passed to lookup).

回调函数有(err, address, family)这三个参数。address参数是一个代表IPv4或IPv6地址的字符串。family是一个表示地址版本的整数4或6(并不一定和调用lookup时传入的family参数值相同)。

dns.resolve(domain, rrtype='A', callback)

Resolves a domain (e.g. '') into an array of the record types specified by rrtype. Valid rrtypes are A (IPV4 addresses), AAAA (IPV6 addresses), MX (mail exchange records), TXT (text records), SRV (SRV records), and PTR (used for reverse IP lookups).


The callback has arguments (err, addresses). The type of each item in addresses is determined by the record type, and described in the documentation for the corresponding lookup methods below.

回调函数接受两个参数:(err, addresses)。参数address中的每一项的类型根据所要求的记录类型进行判断,在下面相应的解析方法的文档里有详细的解释。

On error, err would be an instanceof Error object, where err.errno is one of the error codes listed below and err.message is a string describing the error in English.


dns.resolve4(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for IPv4 queries (A records). addresses is an array of IPv4 addresses (e.g. ['', '', '']).

dns.resolve()类似,但是仅对IPV4地址进行查询(A记录)。addresses是一个IPV4地址数组(例如['', '', ''])。

dns.resolve6(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve4() except for IPv6 queries (an AAAA query).


dns.resolveMx(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for mail exchange queries (MX records).


addresses is an array of MX records, each with a priority and an exchange attribute (e.g. [{'priority': 10, 'exchange': ''},...]).

回调函数的参数addresses是一个MX类型记录的数组,每个记录有一个优先级属性和一个交换属性(类似[{'priority': 10, 'exchange': ''},...])。

dns.resolveTxt(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for text queries (TXT records). addresses is an array of the text records available for domain (e.g., ['v=spf1 ip4: ~all']).

dns.resolve()很相似,但是仅可以进行文本查询(TXT记录)。addressed是一个对于domain域有效的文本记录数组(类似['v=spf1 ip4: ~all'])。

dns.resolveSrv(domain, callback)

The same as dns.resolve(), but only for service records (SRV records). addresses is an array of the SRV records available for domain. Properties of SRV records are priority, weight, port, and name (e.g., [{'priority': 10, {'weight': 5, 'port': 21223, 'name': ''}, ...]).

dns.resolve()很类似,但仅是只查询服务记录(SRV类型记录)。addresses是一个对于域来说有效的SRV记录的数组,SRV记录的属性有优先级、权重、端口,名字(例如[{'priority': 10, {'weight': 5, 'port': 21223, 'name': ''}, ...])。

dns.reverse(ip, callback)

Reverse resolves an ip address to an array of domain names.


The callback has arguments (err, domains).

回调函数的参数为 (err, domains)

If there an an error, err will be non-null and an instanceof the Error object.


Each DNS query can return an error code.
